10 September 2015

Blobs and globules

I do think there is something fundamentally endearing about all things blob-shaped, so here are a few for your perusal.

The egg-in-a-field with the mysterious  ORANGE GLOW  is the work of dmvA-architects of Belgium. Fashioned almost entirely from polyester, and amazingly containing a small kitchen and even a bathroom, as well as sleeping and storage spaces, it was intended to provide extension space to homes or offices.The  WONDROUSLY GREEN  inflatables seen nestling so insouciantly into the columns of the Carriage House at the Evergreen Museum, Baltimore are by Canadian artist Sharon Engelstein. The freedom of her forms is the only constant in her amazing work. The  PINK, WHITE AND GREY  blobs, snuggling up in a corner, are a rendering by Mark Leichliter of Boston, Colorado.

1 Blob VB3 by dmvA-architects, image by Forgemind Archimedia 2 Green Balloons at the Evergreen Museum, Baltimore, Maryland by Sharon Engelstein , image by Romana Klee  3 Blob-Room in concrete, by Mark Leichliter.  All images from Flickr under CC BY license.